Tuesday, December 1, 2009

I Believe...It is December

As many of you did, I spent much time in November being thankful.  I participated in a Giving Thanks challenge, whereby I listed something on my blog that I was thankful for each day.  I really enjoyed the challenge.  It made me think each day about what was meaningful in my life.  I probably would not have had such reflective thoughts without the structure of the challenge.  I got so much out of it that I have decided to challenge myself again in this month.

December and all its pertinent holidays bring to mind belief.  On all levels, December represents belief.  Belief in a higher power, belief in the goodness of our fellow man, belief in magic, belief in the unbelievable.  My challenge this month is to examine and note the things that I believe in.  I am not an overtly religious person.  My spiritual life is private and I hold my convictions close to my vest.  So this challenge is not all about the religious aspects of belief.  It will be, for me, an opportunity to reflect on what I hold dear, what I know to be true, what gives me comfort.  It will be what I believe.

I would be thrilled if some of you would join me this month.  You can grab the "I Believe" button to the right of this post and put it on your own blog.  If you do so, please comment below so others can follow and see what you believe.  Pass it along.

So to start, I believe that belief is powerful and a creative force in all our lives.

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